UX/UI Design for Logistics.

We design custom logistics software solutions that optimize the supply chains of enterprise-level companies. Our solutions don't just perform — they change the way you do business.

Hire our expert product designers to develop complex, yet extremely intuitive systems for managing transportation, warehousing, and procurement processes.

Let's dive in .

Four business growth blockers & how top-notch software solves them

Time-consuming & high-cost route planning

Manual route planning can be the cause of higher fuel consumption and delayed deliveries. We help automate route optimization using real-time data on traffic, weather, and vehicle availability. This not only reduces operational costs but also enhances customer satisfaction through reliable and prompt service.

UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Inventory mismanagement

Poor inventory management leads to costly overstock and stockouts, causing you to lose costs, sales, and customer loyalty. Our AI algorithms can analyze historical data and accurately forecast inventory needs, providing real-time updates, and helping you maintain a balanced and efficient inventory management process.

UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Lack of supply chain visibility

Lack of transparency in your supply chain can cause delays and hinder your ability to respond to issues promptly. Our solutions integrate advanced IoT devices and real-time GPS tracking — giving you complete visibility into your supply chain and allowing for smarter decisions and quick responses to potential disruptions.

UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Inefficient vendor and partner management

Issues in communication can be the cause of delays and compliance inconsistencies. Our vendor management platform centralizes all vendor-related data, offering insights into performance, compliance, and risk — ensuring all parties are aligned and operations run smoothly.

UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Complex logistics UI/UX software solutions

Built by people for people .

Many logistics companies struggle with operational bottlenecks, poor management, and rising costs, causing disruptions and limiting growth.

At Cieden, we understand the complexity of managing vast data and making critical decisions daily. Our UX/UI design for logistics is made to improve your operational performance, foster data-driven decisions, ensure real-time visibility into all processes, and minimize costs.

Our deep industry expertise comes from designing for enterprise-level companies like Apollo, Blizzard, and Exceeders. We specialize in AI design, strategically implementing features that automate tasks, predict trends, and personalize user experience - ensuring your solutions are both user-friendly and innovative in the market.

Partner up with Cieden for a long-term commitment, and we’ll make it feel like an in-house extension of your team. 

case studies.

Explore our expertise in creating complex solutions for various industries

Dive into our case studies – not just to see our work, but to understand how Cieden approaches challenges and partners with clients.
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And we have done it for leading companies worldwide.

UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Engage Cieden to build the following solutions

Warehouse management software

Our UX/UI design for logistics allows you to streamline inventory tracking, efficiently manage stock levels, and improve the efficiency of picking and packing, using real-time data and workflow automation.

Supply chain management software

Our management solutions help you maintain real-time visibility of every stage of your supply chain. With smart tracking and analytics, you can instantly monitor inventory levels, predict demand, and identify potential bottlenecks.

Cloud-based logistics software

Such solutions provide real-time data access, making it easier for your team to make informed decisions on the go. Your cloud-based platform will run smoothly and efficiently, regardless of the need for scale or complexity.

Procurement management software

This type of software provides insights into vendor performance, compliance, and risk management, allowing you to automate purchase orders, simplify contract management, and gain real-time insights into supplier reliability and delivery timelines.

Order processing software

For order processing solutions, we implement features like automated order tracking, real-time inventory updates, and integrated shipping label generation — allowing you to reduce the chance of human error and save time on manual entry.

Inventory management software

Our solution offers real-time stock tracking, automated batch management, AI-driven demand forecasting, and detailed inventory reporting. This allows you to easily handle expiration dates, lot numbers, and product recalls, and optimize stock levels.

Asset tracking software

Our software ensures you always know the location and the condition of your assets, and how they’re being used, reducing the risk of loss or theft. The key features are real-time location tracking, status updates, and utilization monitoring.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for?

We specialize in a wide range of domains and product types, so even if it wasn’t listed, it doesn't mean we haven't worked with one. Let's discuss your project details, and how Cieden can help bring your vision to life in a consultation.

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Core product design principles that guide our work

Made for your industry

At Cieden, each solution is custom-built for one particular industry. This is how we ensure that every aspect of the system is finely tuned to meet your business processes and workflows, covering both core functionalities and custom-made integrations.

Ready to grow and scale

Our scalable systems are always ready to grow with your business. They handle increasing data volumes, user numbers, and transaction loads without sacrificing performance or functionality — allowing businesses to easily adapt to shifting market conditions and new business strategies.

At the forefront of innovation

As strong advocates of AI innovations, we manage to keep our designs hyper-personalized and responsive. AI is used for better decision-making, early issue detection, predictive analysis, and demand forecasting, offering real-time insights from historical data.

Data visualization

Our intuitive dashboards and AI-powered analytics make key data easy to access and analyze. With custom dashboards in our logistics UI design, users can tailor data views with role-specific metrics and KPIs, allowing them to make data-driven decisions quicker and more effectively.

Tailored to various user personas

We recognize the diverse roles within a logistics organization — from warehouse managers to procurement officers — with their distinct roles, responsibilities, and priorities. Tailoring solutions to their specific needs ensures each user can efficiently complete their tasks and achieve the desired goals.

Mobile-first approach

Our logistics UI interfaces are built to perform flawlessly across all mobile devices, ensuring they are easy to access and navigate. Features like mobile-first touch optimization and fully responsive layouts create a more delightful on-the-go experience, extending your user reach to field agents and managers.

Ready to build or scale your product?

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with Anastasiya, Head of Product Management at Cieden. Discuss your project and challenges, and discover the value we can add as your design partner.

Book a consultation
<p><strong>Ready to build or scale your <span class="orange">product</span>?</strong></p>

UX/UI design for logistics in 5 steps

Step 1.

Research and discovery

We begin by defining user personas based on their specific roles and tasks, and doing in-depth interviews to understand their motivations, pain points, and needs. Mapping user journeys and conducting stakeholder workshops help us align your business goals with user preferences.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Step 2.

Product ideation

Armed with insights from our research, we brainstorm innovative ideas and concepts to design your logistics platform. We work on information architecture and flow mapping.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Step 3.

Prototyping and tests

We translate our ideas into interactive low-fidelity wireframes and clickable prototypes. We run usability tests with real users to improve fidelity, while working on brand identity, animations, interactive elements, and more.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Step 4.

UX/UI design

Backed by data from previous testing, we create a feasible and intuitive design aligned with best design practices and your brand identity. Additional usability tests are made to proactively address the evolving user needs and the demands of logistics operations.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Step 5.

Launch and support

​​Finally, we prepare detailed documentation for developers and hand off the final design. Cieden provides ongoing support for any post-launch issues or possible updates.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Don’t be afraid of AI technology. Embrace its possibilities.

Streamlined operations and reduced human errors

At Cieden, we use AI to speed up logistics processes, minimize potential risks, and accurately forecast demand, reducing manual effort for all processes. Our solutions may include such AI features as real-time tracking, predictive maintenance alerts, and automated scheduling — allowing you to automate repetitive tasks like data entry and order processing, eliminate human errors, and lower operational costs.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden

Deeper insights and smarter decisions

AI doesn't just automate; it drives smarter decisions based on real-time data. Our AI-powered tools turn complex logistics data into clear, actionable insights into your supply chain operations — allowing you to predict demand, choose the most optimized routes, and ​​identify potential bottlenecks early on. We only recommend AI implementations that reflect your specific needs and goals, ensuring each of them will add significant value to your product.
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
Kairos’s experience of collaborating ㅤㅤㅤㅤwith Cieden
UX/UI Design for Logistics Cieden
Kairos’s experience of collaborating ㅤㅤㅤㅤwith Cieden
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Your long-term partner.

8 reasons to choose UI/UX designers from Cieden

Guided by facts and numbers

Not a gut feeling. We're all about numbers and facts, using data-driven insights to identify and resolve usability issues, validate hypotheses, and enhance the performance of your logistics design.

Eyes on the prize

At Cieden, we always keep our eyes on the bigger picture, ensuring our design efforts are perfectly aligned with your business goals — from warehouse management to streamlining procurement

Impacting, not just doing

We don't just execute tasks but actively influence the strategy of logistics software design. Our commitment to changes and innovations ensures our products are highly competitive and at the forefront of industry trends.

No need for micromanagement

Our logistics designers are proactive and self-directed, managing workflows independently while aligning seamlessly with your project goals and timelines.

Enterprise-level experience

We have experience collaborating with industry giants like Apollo, MedEntry, and Blizzard, handling complex enterprise designs tailored to their specific needs and scale.

AI design expertise

Cieden specializes in AI design, strategically implementing AI when it adds significant value to the product and helps users automate tasks, speed up processes, personalize user experiences, and improve decision-making.

User-centered approach

Our software is designed by people, for people. We create solutions that are not only visually appealing but also deeply resonate with users, making complex logistics processes easier to manage.

Huge expertise in diverse domains

With over 8 years of design expertise, we have successfully delivered projects across various industries including healthcare, BPM & ERP, real estate, FinTech, and more.

Free consultation

Choose a cooperation model that suits you best


We handle the entire design or redesign process from start to finish. The project typically has a defined scope and can be divided into stages. One of the stages is Discovery where we define the scope for the next stages. Only minor task alterations within the set budget are possible.

Dedicated team

Instead of building an in-house team, you can opt for a full-fledged team of designers, researchers, and analysts, or just the specific specialist you're lacking. We form a team that integrates with and works alongside your in-house experts, reporting directly to you.

Design & transfer

We begin with a dedicated team that we build for you. If you're happy with the team's performance, you can hire the entire team or a particular designer in-house, covering recruitment fees. All terms, conditions, and costs are discussed upfront.

start your project with us.

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How can your UX/UI design agency help improve efficiency in supply chain operations?

Our UX/UI solutions automate key processes, provide real-time visibility into all the stages of the supply chain, and encourage you to make smarter data-driven decisions — all thanks to users having quick and easy access to analytic dashboards

Such functionalities work beneficially for all logistics businesses, helping them reduce operational costs, improve accuracy, and speed up response times.

What measures do you take to ensure data security and compliance with industry regulations in your software designs?

We prioritize robust security protocols, integrating features like access controls and regular security audits. Our designs adhere to industry regulations and standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

Can your UX/UI design agency integrate our existing systems with the new software solutions you design for us?

Yes, we provide seamless integration of new software solutions with your existing systems — from platforms like ERP, CRM, and BPM to third-party APIs, ensuring smooth interoperability and data exchange to minimize disruption, and maximize efficiency.

How long does it typically take to design a new software solution?

Timelines vary depending on the project scope, complexity, and extra services like AI design, or API integrations. Typically, a comprehensive solution takes about six months to ideate, conduct business analysis, design, and launch.

Precise estimates on all project deliverables are given after the Scope Definition phase. Otherwise, book a free consultation to speak about your project details with our team, and receive an approximate estimate on the timeline.

What sets your UX/UI design agency apart from others in the industry when it comes to serving logistics, SCM, and procurement clients?

Our approach is guided by data-driven insights, a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges, and a commitment to innovation. 

We have vast experience with enterprise-level clients like Apollo, Blizzard, and Exceeders. Our AI design integrations improve decision-making, and provide hyper-personalized interfaces for web and logistics mobile app UI designs. And with an ongoing Discovery phase, we may easily align our solutions with your dynamic business needs.

What’s the cost of creating a custom software solution with Cieden?

Each custom solution requires an individual scope, making it impossible to predict the software cost without any specific project details.

Request a quote by filling out our price calculator form to get a rough estimate tailored to your project and needs.