About author.

Karyna Khmelyk

User Experience Designer

Meet Karyna Khmelyk, our talented UX designer at Cieden. Karyna has a passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly business applications. When she's not creating amazing designs, you can find her hiking in the mountains, drawing inspiration from nature. She also contributes to "The Guide to Business Apps Design," sharing her creative insights and practical tips. Check out her articles for a fresh and approachable take on digital product design!

Karyna Khmelyk

Recent articles by Karyna

How do I apply spacing best practices to different types of apps?

How do I apply spacing best practices to different types of apps?

Learning spacing best practices is just the beginning. The real challenge is adapting them to different types of apps. This article dives into how to do just that. Check it out - it's bound to be relevant to you!

20 Jun, 2024

4 min read

Why is consistent spacing important?

Why is consistent spacing important?

There's no shame in revisiting the fundamentals. Consistent spacing is key to every design. Let's refresh and master this essential skill together in just 6 minutes.

20 Jun, 2024

6 min read

How can typography support consistent spacing throughout the entire application?

How can typography support consistent spacing throughout the entire application?

Typography spacing has many pitfalls. In this article, our talented Karyna Khmelyk uncovers the most critical and common ones. Check it out and master typography spacing.

20 Jun, 2024

7 min reads

Can customizable spacing settings improve user experience?

Can customizable spacing settings improve user experience?

Can customizable spacing features improve user experience? Absolutely, yes! Check out this article to find out how products like Gmail and Pocket implemented customizable spacing features successfully. 

20 Jun, 2024

9 min read

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