Edtech UX/UI Design.

Design a commercially viable Edtech solution tailored to user needs - easy to navigate and delightful to use.
Edtech UX/UI Design Services
Enhance user learning experiences

Create an effective Edtech platform

Enhance user learning experiences

An effective EdTech platform isn't just visually appealing; it's a knowledge gateway – accessible, engaging, and intuitive. This understanding drives our design process, ensuring we design solutions that exceed user expectations and make your platform stand out in the dynamic EdTech market.

At Cieden, we believe that true differentiation comes from a deep understanding of the educational ecosystem — learners, educators, and evolving methods. We anticipate educational shifts, ensuring your product is relevant now and ready to lead tomorrow.

As strategic partners, we thoroughly research, grasp the nuances of your product and user needs, leverage analytics, and validate design choices, all focused on driving business results.

For 7 years we've successfully delivered 20+ projects for EdTech companies like MedEntry, Miestro, and more.

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design for eLearning
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden
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design for eLearning
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Need an outstanding design? We deliver it and much more

Increased conversion 

Easy onboarding, clear navigation, intuitive design, and design for diversity encourage newcomers to explore the software and convert to dedicated users.

Enhanced user engagement

Gamification, interactivity, and other motivators increase learning enthusiasm, creating a delightful and engaging experience.

Improved accessibility

A user-friendly and accessible design, compliant with WCAG, ADA, and ATAG standards, attracts and retains more users, making them choose your product over competitors and increasing your presence in the EdTech market.

Increased revenue

A good user experience encourages users to try out premium features or other products you offer, which drives sales, upselling, and cross-selling. 

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Main EdTech design services

Learning management systems (LMS)

Content management, course previews, progress tracking, gamification features (streaks, leaderboards, levels, badges), video player and other multimedia tools, easy access to transcripts, note-taking, communication and feedback functionality, content favoriting, and bookmarking.

Language learning applications

Content management, text, audio, and video content support, skill assessment, custom graphics, progress tracking, gamification features (streaks, levels, badges, rewards), analytics, and mobile compatibility.

Assessment software

Performance scale, assessment tests, real-time progress tracking, assessment test builders, interactive question types, analytics for different roles (assessors and assessees), and feedback mechanism.

Student information systems (SIS)

Student profile management, document management, performance, and attendance analytics, visual data representation (charts, graphs, and tables), and group and individual comparison functionality.

Massive open online course platforms (MOOCs)

Courses marketplace, course builder, content management, easy navigation, course previews, progress tracking, gamification features (streaks, levels, badges, rewards), analytics, and skill assessment.

Enterprise solutions

Onboarding and training, text and video content management, internal knowledge bases, skill assessment, and other functionality for company internal needs.

case studies.

Explore our expertise in EdTech design

Dive into our case studies – not just to see our work, but to understand how Cieden approaches challenges and partners with clients.
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden

health and wellness

MedEntry: improving UX of the educational platform.

The client turned to us to redesign their existing platforms for two different markets, design a mobile application, eliminate bugs, and make UX improvements to increase students' engagement and motivation, improve the way they use the platform, and simplify complex navigation and feature discoverability to offer a smoother experience.In addition, over time new features have been introduced to enhance the platform and also required design expertise.

Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden


Designing a progressionist E-learning platform.

The client turned to us with the request to bring their idea to life and deliver an app with an engaging learning experience. To implement it, we have assigned 3 specialists to work on this project — Business Analyst, Project Manager, and UX/UI Designer. During our collaboration, Cieden worked jointly with the stakeholder to dive into their idea and understand various study methods and their effectiveness.

Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden


Language learning platform.

Regardless of your linguistic ability, sharing language is all about connecting. That’s exactly what the Language Tools (LT) does. The app is a vibrant community of language lovers that will help you thrive. LT helps students with a wide range of educational activities ranging from writing essays to talking to actual native speakers and fellow learners. In turn, with the help of the platform, the teachers can focus only on what matters most – teaching. No need to rack your brains over the payment process, scheduling, or finding students.

Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden


Interactive training tool.

The customer approached us with a straightforward task – to redesign an outdated platform that had multiple usability flaws. After a quick analysis of the product, we realized that it was missing Points of Difference – a strong differentiator among other similar products on the market. There were many stronger competitors out there on the market.

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And we have done it for leading companies worldwide

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Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden

How we design EdTech solutions tailored to user needs 

Market and competitor research 

Defining points of parity and differentiation factors, amplifying unique selling points is crucial to standing out in a crowded EdTech market.


Stakeholder interviews

Gaining insights from stakeholders about their expectations, challenges, and priorities helps tailor your product to their needs.

Collaboration with subject matter experts

Collaboration with your subject matter experts ensures user-friendly layouts, proper content organization, and sequencing. 

AI integration 

AI integration is truly beneficial when it meets user needs and adds value to the product. Only after a thorough analysis of your product, we suggest AI features that will enhance your product's value for users while fitting your budget, resources, and our expertise.

Testing and validation 

Usability testing and validation of design decisions ensure our design is both user-friendly and performs well.

Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Meeting challenges of established companies & early-stage startups

Revitalizing and growing established companies

Struggling with low engagement, poor conversions, or noticing that users aren’t utilizing 70% of your software’s functionality? Let us integrate into your processes, delve into product analytics, track and analyze user engagement, conduct user interviews to understand the root of the problem, address it effectively, and enhance your solution.
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Launching and scaling startups

Unsure if your idea is feasible and profitable? Let us create a rapid prototype or MVP that is fast to market. Depending on your needs, we can also create a POC or low-code solution. Our team prioritizes Discovery phase, market and competitor research, and proceeds step-by-step with informed decisions with minimum risks for you.
Edtech UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Choose a cooperation model that suits you best


We handle the entire design or redesign process from start to finish. The project typically has a defined scope and can be divided into stages. One of the stages is Discovery where we define the scope for the next stages. Only minor task alterations within the set budget are possible.

Dedicated team

Instead of building an in-house team, you can opt for a full-fledged team of designers, researchers, and analysts, or just the specific specialist you're lacking. We form a team that integrates with and works alongside your in-house experts, reporting directly to you.

Design & transfer

We begin with a dedicated team that we build for you. If you're happy with the team's performance, you can hire the entire team or a particular designer in-house, covering recruitment fees. All terms, conditions, and costs are discussed upfront.

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What’s Cieden’s experience in EdTech UX/UI design? 

With 7 years in education UX/UI design, our team has delivered 20+ projects, from language learning apps to learning management systems and internal enterprise solutions. Our experience spans working with educational institutions, private companies, and individual educators. Check out our cases to learn more. 

Moreover, our designers regularly take private training on accessibility, gamification, instructional design, and data privacy and regulations. 

How do Cieden’s designers create a solution that meets the diverse needs of various stakeholders?

At Cieden, we adopt a comprehensive approach to design. We engage in thorough, collaborative discussions with everyone involved — educators, students, tech teams, and investors. Our team skillfully merges these varied insights to create a cohesive design that meets the complex needs of all parties. We're committed to ensuring that every facet of the user experience not only meets but surpasses the expectations of each group involved.

What will the process of collaboration look like?

Every project is unique, and we fully understand that. At Cieden, we avoid the one-size-fits-all mindset. Instead, we take the time to understand your current process, adapt to it, and enhance it. If your design approach needs refining, we're on hand to overhaul it. Picture us as that friend who helps reorganize your wardrobe: we keep what’s effective, remove what isn’t, and ensure everything comes together seamlessly. We're right there with you, sharing the challenges and celebrating the victories. Our relationship with you is collaborative, not just transactional. 

Think of us as an integral part of your team, not mere consultants. We dive deep to grasp your team's dynamics, your organizational culture, and work as if we've always been a part of your journey. With us, it's about effortless collaboration, no barriers, no formalities — just genuine, effective teamwork. Check out how we address challenges in the EdTech industry in our post.

How do Cieden’s designers approach user research and testing in the EdTech industry?

Our approach to user research and testing is centered around gaining a deep understanding of the customers and the end-users - be they teachers or students. We start by identifying the key user groups relevant to your project and then delve into their specific needs and challenges through a variety of research methods.

For instance, we conduct in-depth interviews to understand the daily user workflows, their interaction with technology, and the pain points they encounter. This helps us tailor eLearning app design to improve its efficiency and accuracy.

Throughout the design process, we iterate based on the feedback gathered from these research activities. We conduct usability testing at various stages, refining our designs to ensure they are highly functional and user-friendly.

How much does an eLearning platform design cost? 

Each product in the domain is unique, so it's hard to set a fixed price for UX design in the education field. The cost depends on the project's size, complexity, length, and team involvement. The cost of LMS design services will vary compared to those for flashcard or quiz applications. To design LMS, designers have to create complex and intuitive user interfaces, ensure robust integration with diverse educational tools and databases, and develop customizable learning paths, interactive content modules, and comprehensive tracking and reporting systems. It requires more effort. 

On the consultation, we can give you a starting estimate, but it may adjust as needs change. You can also use our price calculator to get an approximate estimate on your email. 

What’s the role of AI in the transformation of education?

In the dynamic field of EdTech, two pivotal trends are reshaping the way we approach education: the rise of AI-driven tools and the shift towards personalized learning. 

Functionality of AI-driven tools allows us to tailor educational content to meet individual student needs and learning styles, adapting to each student's pace and preferences. By analyzing performance data, AI provides customized resources and exercises, significantly improving the effectiveness of learning.

Furthermore, AI assists teachers by automating administrative tasks like grading and attendance, freeing up time for more student-focused activities. It also aids in identifying learning gaps and providing insights into student progress, helping educators to intervene effectively.

In terms of accessibility, AI breaks down barriers for students with disabilities through tools like speech-to-text and language translation services, making education more inclusive. 

At Cieden, we delve into understanding these trends, focusing on how they can be harnessed to create more effective, engaging, and accessible educational experiences.

How does Cieden align my EdTech platform with educational standards and scalability?

At Cieden, we recognize the critical balance between adhering to educational standards and achieving scalability. Our seasoned experience in the EdTech field guides our design process, where we meticulously test and adapt to comply with key educational regulations like FERPA, COPPA, and SOPIPA. We ensure your platform excels in user experience, remains compliant, and is geared for future expansion.