Healthcare UX/UI design.

Providing healthcare UX/UI design services with 7 years of expertise in the domain, AI innovations, and strategic data-driven design decisions.

Let us show you how.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services
Why partner with Cieden?

Why partner with Cieden?

We understand the challenges you face – the need to grow rapidly, launch new products, and stay compliant without sacrificing quality or security. That's where we come in.

Meet Iryna, our healthcare-savvy Design Director, with 20+ successful projects in the field and a team that shares her enthusiasm. 

Our mission is to help you achieve your business objectives by crafting innovative solutions tailored to your customers' needs. Leveraging in-depth research and smart AI integration, we’ll streamline your path to a larger market share. 
We've already assisted clients like MedEntry and Lykon in achieving their goals. 

What sets us apart? We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your healthcare projects. Our team has undergone privacy training, including Confidentiality Awareness Training, Information Security Policy, Physical Security Policy, HIPAA, and HITECH training, ensuring your sensitive data remains safeguarded.

Our track record

Measuring is our thing - we're about numbers that tell a story. Take a look at a few figures we are proud of.


of satisfied



projects delivered


years of industry



Healthcare UX/UI design services

Discover some of solutions we can create for you

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Telemedicine platforms

Video consultation, secure messaging and chat, online appointment booking, EHR/EMR integration.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Clinical and patient portals

Patient health record access, secure document sharing, appointment scheduling, online billing and payments, health education resources.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Health monitoring and tracking

Wearable device data integration, health data dashboards, health alerts, trend visualization.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Medication management

Medication reminders, prescription management, prescription refill and tracking, medication history logs.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Mental health and stress management

Self-assessment tools, virtual therapy session support, stress and mood tracking, mindfulness and relaxation exercises.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

AI integration

Predictive analytics, AI-assisted diagnostics, patient support chatbots, voice recognition, NLP for clinical documentation, personalized treatment planning with machine learning, health risk assessment tools, automated medication management, remote patient monitoring analysis, intelligent appointment scheduling.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Key healthcare specialisations we work with


Patient heart health monitoring, ECG data analysis, predictive analytics for cardiovascular risk, remote patient monitoring for heart conditions, AI-assisted diagnostic imaging for cardiology.


Eye health tracking, retinal image analysis with AI, tele-ophthalmology consultations, vision correction treatment planning, predictive models for eye diseases.


Mental health assessment tools, AI-driven mood tracking, teletherapy platforms, patient engagement chatbots for mental wellness, analytics for therapy progress.

Diet and nutrition

Personalized diet planning, nutritional tracking and analysis, AI dietary recommendations, calorie and macro tracking, food allergy management tools.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Meeting challenges of established companies & early-stage startups

Revitalizing and growing established companies

Want to move faster than your competitors and quickly bring new features to the market with minimal development effort? Let us take the lead. Our team is skilled in rapid prototyping and iterative design, adopting agile methodologies for faster results. We create clear documentation and foster cross-functional collaboration, ensuring seamless integration and functionality when working alongside developers.
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Launching and scaling startups

Unsure if your idea is feasible and profitable? Let us create a rapid prototype or MVP that is fast to market. Depending on your needs, we can also create a POC or low-code solution. Our team proceeds step-by-step with informed decisions, backed by our expert analysts and researchers, with minimum risks for you.
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

case studies.

Explore our expertise in UX/UI design for healthcare

We've rolled out solutions from Telehealth platforms to сlinical and patient portals, creating healthcare UX/UI design for B2B, B2C, and enterprise products. Dive into our case studies – not just to see our work, but to understand how Cieden approaches challenges and partners with clients.
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

health and wellness

MVP for united healthcare data application

A client came up with an unconventional solution that is channeled into solving this problem through synthesizing, structuring, and providing user access to medical data within one single platform. As a result, the client turned to our team in order to conduct a discovery phase, create applicable UX/UI for patients to organize their data as well as deliver a clickable prototype to demonstrate the key features and the potential of this solution to investors and tackle further product development. To make it all happen, we have assigned 2 professionals, a design director, and a UX/UI designer, to work on this project.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

health and wellness

Telehealth platform.

We designed an app that allows patients to skip the waiting room and start a virtual visit via any digital device. The application enables multiple clinics to schedule virtual (video, text, audio) and physical consultations between doctor and patient. It hosts multiple clinic profiles that can be customized based on the clinic requirements. Users can set up a consultation via web and mobile devices. There are five user roles: guest (not registered user), patient, doctor, clinic admin, and site admin. The platform has strict end-to-end encryption for GDPR & HIPAA compliance and supports multiple languages based on user location.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

health and wellness

Momenta: relaxing design for a meditation app.

The client entrusted us with designing a meditation and breathing mobile application. Two years ago, we created Ripple, a resembling product for the same customer. We were excited to collaborate with our client again and use our knowledge to create an accessible and easy way for users to meditate and learn proper breathing techniques. We have assigned 2 professionals to tackle this project: an experienced UI designer with the relevant expertise and a design director to deliver quality results. Our collaboration also involved further working hand in hand with a developer and adopting user feedback.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

health and wellness

MedEntry: improving UX of the educational platform

The client turned to us to redesign their existing platforms for two different markets, design a mobile application, eliminate bugs, and make UX improvements to increase students' engagement and motivation, improve the way they use the platform, and simplify complex navigation and feature discoverability to offer a smoother experience.In addition, over time new features have been introduced to enhance the platform and also required design expertise. We have allocated 2 specialists to this project: a business analyst and a UX/UI designer to transform this student platform according to the client's request.

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Book a free consultation with Cieden

Discuss your business challenges and uncover success strategies with Iryna, our healthcare-savvy Design Director. Free of charge, no obligations.


Our approach and principles

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden
Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Problem framing

We do more than just brainstorm ideas; we define problems and work closely with stakeholders to develop solutions. This collaborative approach ensures clear goals and objectives for each initiative.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Research & analysis

We thoroughly research and gather insights about users, customers, market and competitive landscape. It offers valuable insights for broader business strategy. When we examine the market, assess competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and uncover opportunities through user interviews, it often significantly impacts business goals and strategy.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Planning & priotization

We plan our work to bring maximum value as soon as possible. Hence, our approach prioritizes decisions and features with high business value.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden


Our design decisions aren’t just gut-driven. Our designers don’t blindly use best UX practices. Every design decision is backed by concrete data - from customer research, user research, or product analytics.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Handover, documentation & support

When design is complete, you won’t just receive a design file. Our handover process is coordinated with your needs and may include design documentation, functional requirements for implementation, and ongoing support.

Healthcare UX/UI Design Services Cieden

Choose a cooperation model that suits you best


We handle the entire design or redesign process from start to finish. The project typically has a defined scope and can be divided into stages. One of the stages is Discovery where we define the scope for the next stages. Only minor task alterations within the set budget are possible.

Dedicated team

Instead of building an in-house team, you can opt for a full-fledged team of designers, researchers, and analysts, or just the specific specialist you're lacking. We form a team that integrates with and works alongside your in-house experts, reporting directly to you.

Design & transfer

We begin with a dedicated team that we build for you. If you're happy with the team's performance, you can hire the entire team or a particular designer in-house, covering recruitment fees. All terms, conditions, and costs are discussed upfront.

start your project with us.

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What experience does Cieden have in designing healthcare solutions?

We've been creating healthcare UX/UI design for 7 years and have a team of designers, together with our design director, who are deeply rooted in the industry.

We don't label ourselves strictly as a healthcare design agency. However, our experience spans diverse areas including cardiology, ophthalmology, psychotherapy, women's health, diet and nutrition, fitness, and more. We've designed solutions ranging from telemedicine platforms to clinical and patient portals, health monitoring and tracking tools, and mental health and stress management systems.

Moreover, we are ready to deal with new specializations and types of solutions. We will dive in and quickly learn new areas, creating healthcare app design as if we've been doing it for years.

How does Cieden ensure compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA in its designs?

We collaborate with legal and compliance experts to understand the nuances of regulations like HIPAA. This collaboration ensures that our designs adhere to the necessary privacy and security standards. For instance, when designing user interfaces, we pay special attention to how patient data is accessed and displayed, ensuring strict adherence to confidentiality and data protection guidelines.

Data security is also a top priority. We collaborate with developers to make sure solutions are based on secure principles, such as encryption and secure data transmission protocols. 

Moreover, our designers typically work on separate computers dedicated to the specific project, often provided by the client. It ensures that all information remains isolated, eliminating any risk of data mixing with other projects. Only team members directly involved in the project have access to the information.

How does Cieden approach user research and testing in the healthcare industry?

Our approach to user research and testing in the healthcare industry is centered around gaining a deep understanding of the customers and the end-users - be they healthcare professionals or patients. We start by identifying the key user groups relevant to your project and then delve into their specific needs and challenges through a variety of research methods.

For instance, we conduct in-depth interviews to understand the daily workflows of healthcare professionals, their interaction with technology, and the pain points they encounter. This helps us tailor our designs to improve their efficiency and accuracy in a high-stakes environment.

Throughout the design process, we iterate based on the feedback gathered from these research activities. We conduct usability testing at various stages, refining our designs to ensure they are highly functional and user-friendly in a real-world healthcare setting. This iterative approach, combined with our deep dive into user research, ensures that the final product truly resonates with its intended users and stands up to the unique demands of your customers.

What are the key considerations Cieden takes into account when creating healthcare UX/UI design solutions for professionals versus patients?

When designing for healthcare professionals, our focus at Cieden is on efficiency and accuracy. We know that time is a critical factor for these users, so we streamline workflows to minimize clicks and navigation. Our designs incorporate features like quick access to patient data, easy updating of records, and intuitive interfaces that reduce the learning curve. The goal is to enhance productivity while maintaining a high level of precision in data handling.

Conversely, for patients, our designs are all about accessibility and engagement. We prioritize making dashboards easy to navigate for a diverse patient population, including those who may not be tech-savvy. Clear language, larger buttons, and straightforward navigation paths are key. We aim to make patients feel comfortable and empowered in managing their health. The focus is on creating a supportive and reassuring user experience.

How does Cieden tailor its healthcare UX/UI design services and design process to meet the specific needs of healthcare clients?

We often start with a deep-dive discovery phase. This involves detailed discussions and workshops with stakeholders to understand the unique needs, challenges, goals, and scope of the project.

Then, we move on to user research. We conduct interviews, surveys, and usability testing with actual healthcare professionals and patients, depending on the end user of the product. This step helps us gather real-world insights and pain points, ensuring our designs are not only intuitive but also practical for daily use in a healthcare setting.