About author.

Karyna Khmelyk

User Experience Designer

Meet Karyna Khmelyk, our talented UX designer at Cieden. Karyna has a passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly business applications. When she's not creating amazing designs, you can find her hiking in the mountains, drawing inspiration from nature. She also contributes to "The Guide to Business Apps Design," sharing her creative insights and practical tips. Check out her articles for a fresh and approachable take on digital product design!

Karyna Khmelyk

Recent articles by Karyna

How can I use shadows to enhance visual hierarchy in a design?

How can I use shadows to enhance visual hierarchy in a design?

Never be ashamed of diving into the basics! Learn or recall how to use shadows to enhance hierarchy in design with insights from our talented Karyna Khmelyk.

21 Jun, 2024

4 min read

Is it a good idea to use shadows on buttons?

Is it a good idea to use shadows on buttons?

Discover whether using shadows on buttons is a good idea. Learn about the impact of shadows on button design, how they enhance visual hierarchy, and the best practices for applying them to Floating Action Buttons (FABs).

21 Jun, 2024

3 min read

When should I use an outline effect instead of shadows?

When should I use an outline effect instead of shadows?

Discover how outlines can transform your design by enhancing readability, and accessibility, and maintaining minimalist aesthetics. Learn when to choose outlines over shadows for a clearer and more effective user experience.

21 Jun, 2024

4 min read

When should I use colors alone to create visual depth, without relying on shadows?

When should I use colors alone to create visual depth, without relying on shadows?

Are there cases when using color is better than shadows? Absolutely! In this article, our talented Karyna explores how dark theme UIs benefit from color to create visual cues, establish hierarchy, and enhance accessibility for all users.

24 Jun, 2024

8 min read

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