About author.

Karyna Khmelyk

User Experience Designer

Meet Karyna Khmelyk, our talented UX designer at Cieden. Karyna has a passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly business applications. When she's not creating amazing designs, you can find her hiking in the mountains, drawing inspiration from nature. She also contributes to "The Guide to Business Apps Design," sharing her creative insights and practical tips. Check out her articles for a fresh and approachable take on digital product design!

Karyna Khmelyk

Recent articles by Karyna

How to maintain shadow consistency throughout a design?

How to maintain shadow consistency throughout a design?

Maintaining shadow consistency is key to creating a cohesive and harmonious design. In this article, our designer Karyna shares her top tips for ensuring shadows stay consistent across different elements and layouts.

24 Jun, 2024

5 min read

How can I make shadows look realistic?

How can I make shadows look realistic?

To create realistic shadows in user interfaces, it's crucial to understand and effectively apply light behavior. Check out this article for tips on working with light sources, color and opacity, layering, and softness.

24 Jun, 2024

6 min read

When creating a shadow, should I start with a smaller core one or a larger cast shadow?

When creating a shadow, should I start with a smaller core one or a larger cast shadow?

What type of shadow should you start with? This seemingly tricky question has a straightforward answer. In this article, our expert Karyna explains the best approach to shadow creation in UI design. Check it out to clear up any doubts!

24 Jun, 2024

4 min read

When should I use colored shadows instead of classic neutrals?

When should I use colored shadows instead of classic neutrals?

Using colored shadows in UI design can enhance visual appeal, convey significance, or create a specific mood in certain situations. In this article, we cover some simple steps for creating impressive colored shadows.

24 Jun, 2024

5 min read

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