About author.

Karyna Khmelyk

User Experience Designer

Meet Karyna Khmelyk, our talented UX designer at Cieden. Karyna has a passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly business applications. When she's not creating amazing designs, you can find her hiking in the mountains, drawing inspiration from nature. She also contributes to "The Guide to Business Apps Design," sharing her creative insights and practical tips. Check out her articles for a fresh and approachable take on digital product design!

Karyna Khmelyk

Recent articles by Karyna

What are microinteractions and why are they important in design?

What are microinteractions and why are they important in design?

These small elements may seem almost invisible, but they play a crucial role in creating an engaging and comfortable user experience. Discover how these tiny soldiers can improve your design in this article!

24 Jun, 2024

9 min read

What is the general structure of any microinteraction?

What is the general structure of any microinteraction?

Every microinteraction consists of four main parts: trigger, rules, feedback, and loops and modes. In this article, we break down each component, share tips on how to create them and highlight common mistakes and challenges.

25 Jun, 2024

8 min read

Can microinteractions be a part of branding style?

Can microinteractions be a part of branding style?

Microinteractions can and should be a key part of your brand's design language. In this article, we explain how to create microinteractions that reflect your brand’s personality and why it's crucial. Check it out and learn to create stunning microinteractions!

25 Jun, 2024

10 min read

How do microinteractions impact design accessibility?

How do microinteractions impact design accessibility?

Microinteractions greatly enhance design accessibility by offering intuitive and understandable cues that align with WCAG standards. In this article, we cover key considerations for designing accessible microinteractions.

25 Jun, 2024

4 min read

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