About author.

Karyna Khmelyk

User Experience Designer

Meet Karyna Khmelyk, our talented UX designer at Cieden. Karyna has a passion for creating intuitive and user-friendly business applications. When she's not creating amazing designs, you can find her hiking in the mountains, drawing inspiration from nature. She also contributes to "The Guide to Business Apps Design," sharing her creative insights and practical tips. Check out her articles for a fresh and approachable take on digital product design!

Karyna Khmelyk

Recent articles by Karyna

How do microinteractions impact the loading and response time of a web application?

How do microinteractions impact the loading and response time of a web application?

Microinteractions can indeed influence the loading and response time of a web application. In this article, we explain how and share tips to tackle these issues, making loading times shorter and waiting more engaging for users. Check it out!

25 Jun, 2024

4 min read

What challenges can come up with microinteractions and how can I solve them?

What challenges can come up with microinteractions and how can I solve them?

Check out this article to discover the five common challenges in creating microinteractions and learn how to overcome them to create intuitive, engaging, and meaningful experiences. 

25 Jun, 2024

6 min read

Which design elements should usually have some kind of microinteraction?

Which design elements should usually have some kind of microinteraction?

Some design elements truly benefit from microinteractions. In this article, we explore which elements gain the most and provide a strategy to help you decide when to add them. Check it out to make informed design choices!

25 Jun, 2024

10 min read

How can I integrate microinteractions without cluttering the interface?

How can I integrate microinteractions without cluttering the interface?

Adding microinteractions without cluttering your interface means making sure each one has a clear purpose. In this article, we share simple principles and techniques to help you design neat and effective microinteractions.

25 Jun, 2024

5 min read

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