Blog Page №4.

How to Improve Your B2B Customer Experience with Audio

How to Improve Your B2B Customer Experience with Audio

Explore the latest B2B customer experience trends. Discover the power of audio with Tal Florentin, CEO of Summurai, as he shares his customer experience design strategies.

13 Feb, 2024

7 min

How to Increase SaaS Sales with UX: 15 Practical Tips

How to Increase SaaS Sales with UX: 15 Practical Tips

At times of tremendous competition, many auspicious Software-as-a-service (SaaS) startups fail to succeed. This guide may help you to pull through, and even thrive by developing the best design solutions.

09 Feb, 2024

18 min read

How to Grow Your Ecommerce Business: 7 Lessons From a Startup Founder

How to Grow Your Ecommerce Business: 7 Lessons From a Startup Founder

Join Jennica Chiang, founder of ShopSuki, for an insightful journey on how to grow an eCommerce business. Discover her unique approaches to customer support, effective supplier partnerships, and other key strategies that can help elevate your eCommerce success.

07 Feb, 2024

10 min

Design Leadership for Product Startup Founders

Design Leadership for Product Startup Founders

We rarely hear about designers as co-founders of products, but we have Melanie Perkins founding Canva or Brian Chesky with AirBnB that demonstrate their potential. We have many other products, like Summurai that are founded and ruled by UX designers. Let’s take a look at how a UX UI designer took the leap into the big league.

29 Jan, 2024

10 min

Watch how these 5 AI data management features will automate workflows by 2025

Watch how these 5 AI data management features will automate workflows by 2025

What to expect from AI data management by 2025? Join Yuriy, Cieden's CEO, as he reveals five game-changing AI patterns and their value in workflow automation.

15 Dec, 2023

10 min

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