Product Discovery services.

We research your users, market, and competitors, define the project scope, and prioritize key features. You gain clarity on what to build and for whom.

Move forward confidently – without guesswork.

Our expertise.

Product Discovery services breakdown


We define the project’s objectives, identify key stakeholders, and outline the initial goals and expectations. Deliverables: a project kickoff plan, stakeholder analysis, and a clear project timeline.


We research competitors, market trends, and users through interviews and surveys, analyze existing product analytics, conduct UX audits, and interview stakeholders. Deliverables: detailed user and market research reports, competitor landscape/SWOT analysis, benchmarking, personas, Jobs to Be Done, and value proposition canvases.


We facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and potential solutions for an identified problem or need. Deliverables: customer journey maps, mood boards, UI concepts, user flows, story mapping, wireframes, prototypes, and information architecture.


We validate concepts through user testing to ensure alignment with user and market needs and organize feasibility checks with developers. Deliverables: User testing reports and feasibility assessments.


We prioritize features, define the feature requirements, and technical specifications, create a backlog, and other documentation necessary for design and development teams. Deliverables: BRD, WBS, SRS documents, backlog, project estimation, and detailed roadmaps.


We provide ongoing support to the development team to address questions or issues that arise during the implementation phase. Deliverables: Knowledge transfer documentation and support throughout the development lifecycle.

Your benefits .

Why you need Product Discovery .

Better product-market fit

Discovery helps you understand the market landscape, identify gaps, and pinpoint user needs and motivations. With data-driven insights, you make informed decisions rather than relying on intuition. It leads to better alignment between your product and market demand.

Product Discovery services Cieden

Fewer budget and timeline inconsistencies

Digital product Discovery enables thorough requirements management, precise project planning, and resource allocation. With a clear backlog, budget, and timeline estimations, we minimize costly deviations and the project stays on track.

Product Discovery services Cieden

Minimized uncertainty and unexpected changes

By assessing risks early and creating mitigation strategies, we better anticipate and prepare for potential disruptions. This reduces surprises during development and leads to continuity throughout the project.

Product Discovery services Cieden

More effective teamwork

With clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and a detailed backlog, the team has full clarity on tasks, objectives, and priorities. This leads to improved collaboration, accountability, and smoother project execution.

Product Discovery services Cieden

Experiencing any of these situations?

When to consider Product Discovery services

Launching a startup

You are turning an idea into a startup and need to define a clear path from concept to execution, including validating your initial assumptions.

Developing an MVP

You have a potential MVP in mind but need help with requirements, timelines, and understanding how to best prioritize features for a successful launch.

Expanding into new markets

Your established product is entering a new market or industry, and you need insights to align your product with market needs and expectations.

Exploring new features

You have a new feature concept but require validation to ensure it’s worth pursuing and aligns with user needs and business goals.

Planning for redesign

You’re planning a major product redesign or overhaul and need help gathering the right requirements and aligning all stakeholders on the new vision.

Facing high uncertainty

There’s a lot of uncertainty or unclear requirements, making it difficult to plan or move forward without structured guidance and validation.

Dealing with misaligned stakeholders

You’re dealing with multiple stakeholders or knowledge holders who have differing priorities, and you need clarity and alignment to define the project scope.

Need a rapid validation

You need to quickly validate and test your ideas with real users to avoid wasting time and resources on development that may not meet their needs.

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case studies.

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Products we've enhanced through research and design .

Ready to build or scale
your product?

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with Anastasia, Head of Product Management at Cieden. Discuss your project and discover the value we can add as a vendor.


a few words about the process .

Product Discovery service framework

In our Product Discovery process, we follow the Double Diamond framework, which divides the journey into two key areas: Problem and Solution, broken down into four phases:

  • Discover: Gather insights and identify the core issue.

  • Define: Narrow down to the specific problem to solve.

  • Develop: Brainstorm and test solutions, refining the best idea.

  • Deliver: Implement the chosen solution.

This product discovery framework ensures we thoroughly understand and address the right problems before implementing solutions.

Double Diamond framework for Product Discovery.

Working with enterprises, SMEs & early-stage startups

Revitalizing and growing established companies

Enterprises often face stagnation, complexity, and the need to stay competitive in evolving markets. Digital product Discovery helps identify inefficiencies, untapped opportunities, and areas for innovation. We break down organizational silos, align stakeholder goals, and guide you through validating new ideas to keep your business agile and responsive to industry changes.
Product Discovery services Cieden

Launching and scaling startups

Startups often struggle with defining their product-market fit, prioritizing features, and navigating uncertainties. Discovery as a Service helps validate your ideas, create clear roadmaps, and focus on what matters most for rapid growth. Whether you're launching an MVP or scaling, we ensure you have the right foundation to accelerate product development and avoid costly missteps.
Product Discovery services Cieden

Discovery as a Service.

8 reasons to choose Cieden

Guided by facts and numbers

Not a gut feeling. Our team is all about numbers and facts, using data-driven insights to identify and resolve issues, validate hypotheses, and enhance the performance of product design.

Eyes on the prize

We always keep our eyes on the bigger picture, ensuring our insights and design-related efforts are perfectly aligned with your business objectives.

Impacting, not just doing

We won’t just execute tasks; we will actively shape the product strategy, driving changes and innovations to keep your product in a leading market position.

No need for micromanagement

Our team takes a proactive and self-directed approach, ensuring an independent and seamless workflow that aligns with your project goals and timelines.

Enterprise-level experience

We have experience collaborating with industry giants like Apollo, MedEntry, and Blizzard, managing complex enterprise business processes and structures, uncovering new opportunities, and helping them scale.

Well-established processes and scalable resources

At Cieden, our well-established processes ensure efficiency and consistency in project execution. We adapt seamlessly to your project's needs, scaling our resources up or down as required. This flexibility allows us to handle projects of any size and complexity, ensuring timely delivery and optimal outcomes.

Faster turnaround times

With Cieden, you benefit from our streamlined workflows and efficient management, leading to faster turnaround times. Our specialists are usually dedicated to one project and specific areas of responsibility, ensuring quicker and more efficient work without the distractions of juggling multiple tasks.

Expertise in diverse domains

We have successfully delivered projects across various industries including healthcare, edtech, BPM & ERP, real estate, fintech, and more.

Estimate your project cost

Choose your model of cooperation .


Fixed price .

Ideal for projects where you need a clear budget and want to minimize risks. We’ll define the scope, provide a detailed estimate of time and costs, and deliver within the agreed budget.


Time & material .

Best for projects with evolving requirements or flexible timelines. You’ll pay only for the effective hours worked. Our rates start at $50 per hour, with a minimum commitment of 1 week.

start your project with us.

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What is Discovery as a Service?

Discovery phase of a project involves researching users, market, and competitors to define product vision, as well as project scope and prioritize key features. It ensures you know what to build and for whom, reducing guesswork and uncertainty.

What are the main deliverables of the Discovery phase?

Deliverables include detailed user and market research reports, competitor analysis, personas, benchmarking, user flows, UI concepts, wireframes, prototypes, information architecture, user testing reports, feasibility assessments, BRD, WBS, SRS documents, backlog, project estimation, and detailed roadmaps, among others.

How does Discovery help with product-market fit?

By conducting thorough market and user research through user interviews and surveys, Discovery identifies gaps and needs in the market, ensuring that your product is aligned with real user demands.

When should I consider Discovery phase services for product development?

Discovery is essential when launching a startup, developing an MVP, planning a redesign, exploring new features, expanding into new markets, or dealing with high levels of uncertainty and misaligned stakeholders.

How does the Product Discovery phase minimize risks in product development?

It anticipates potential risks early on, enabling the creation of risk mitigation strategies, clear timelines, and budget estimates, which reduce surprises during development.

What are the costs associated with Discovery phase services?

Costs vary depending on team composition, project size, and complexity. Each project is budgeted individually. During our free consultation, we’ll provide rough estimates, or you can use our Price Calculator for an initial assessment. 

We offer both fixed-price and time & material models, with rates starting at $50 per hour and a minimum commitment of 1 week. The Discovery stage typically starts at $6,500.


How long does the Discovery phase usually take?

The duration depends on the project's requirements, but we can provide an estimated timeline during the Initiation phase. Most Discovery projects take a few weeks to a few months, with more complex projects lasting up to six months.