App Redesign Services.

Is outdated UX holding back your product growth?
We dive into your product and business processes to define key challenges and uncover ideas for custom design improvements. Let’s resolve all issues and create a solution that your users need and lack.

clients .

Products we've enhanced through design .

You need a redesign if:

Your interface feels outdated

If your product feels old and clunky, our app redesign services will update your software to modern standards, reduce user frustration, and satisfy user expectations.

Your product branding is weak

Inconsistent or weak branding can harm your market presence. A cohesive, unique brand identity helps you build awareness and credibility, ensuring your product stands out and gains customer loyalty.

Your metrics are declining

Decreasing user metrics can point to usability issues. A well-executed redesign improves performance by optimizing user workflows and eliminating points of friction.

Your product is scaling

Expanding your reach demands a design that may easily scale and adjust for new audiences. A product redesign ensures it resonates with diverse user groups and meets new market demands.

Your competitors outpace you

If competitors consistently outperform you and attract more users, it’s time for big changes. A strategic redesign can help you reclaim a leading market position, engage target users, and minimize churn.

You secured a new investment

Further investments open doors for product upgrades. Use this chance to elevate your design, ensuring it aligns with investor expectations, meets market needs, and reflects your business goals.

Impact over output .

The role of product redesign services for your business

Secured market advantage

A redesign keeps your product relevant and competitive, helping you quickly adapt to market changes and stay ahead of competitors. Regular UX audits and updates fix existing issues and highlight strengths made to set new standards for your industry.

App Redesign Services Cieden

Enhanced user engagement

​​Redesigning a product goes beyond functionality. It creates a memorable experience that makes users feel valued and understood. Elements of hyper-personalization and gamification foster a sense of achievement and loyalty, making users come back and spend more time with your product.

App Redesign Services Cieden

Expanded customer reach

A strategic app redesign can help you attract a larger audience by making your product more accessible and appealing to diverse user groups. In-depth user research ensures the redesign caters to user needs, resulting in a bigger, more satisfied customer base.

App Redesign Services Cieden

Maximized usability

Improving usability through redesign makes it easier for users to achieve their goals with minimal effort. Simple navigation, intuitive design, and clear guides ensure a smooth, error-free experience – aimed at reducing frustration and abandonment rates.

App Redesign Services Cieden

Higher conversion rates

Fixing slow load times and confusing user experience helps in guiding users effectively toward a desired action. Effective call-to-actions and improved user flows ensure a seamless path to conversion, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversions.

App Redesign Services Cieden

Why Cieden?

8 reasons to choose our app redesign services:

Guided by facts and numbers

Not a gut feeling. We're all about numbers and facts, using data-driven insights to identify and resolve usability issues, validate hypotheses, and enhance the performance of UX redesign.

Eyes on the prize

Our product designers always keep their eyes on the bigger picture, ensuring our insights and design-related efforts are perfectly aligned with your business objectives.

Impacting, not just doing

We don't just execute tasks but actively influence the strategy of design. Our desire for constant changes and innovations ensures products are highly competitive and at the industry forefront.

No need for micromanagement

In our UX redesign services, we take a proactive and self-directed approach, ensuring an independent and seamless workflow that aligns with your project goals and timelines.

Enterprise-level experience

We have experience collaborating with industry giants like Blizzard, Apollo, and MedEntry, handling complex enterprise designs tailored to their specific needs and scale.

AI design expertise

Cieden specializes in AI, implementing its algorithms when it adds significant value to the product and helps users automate tasks, speed up processes, personalize user experiences, and improve decision-making.

User-centered approach

At Cieden, web and mobile app redesign is made by people for people. Our goal is to ensure that your product is not only visually appealing but also deeply resonates with its target users.

Huge expertise in diverse domains

With over 8 years of expertise in UX redesign services, we have successfully delivered projects across various industries including Martech, Healthcare, BPM & ERP, FinTech, and more.

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Design driving away users? We can change that!

Book a free, no-obligation consultation with Anastasiya, Head of Product Management at Cieden. Discuss your project and challenges, and discover the value we can add as your design partner.
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<p><strong>Design driving away users? We can <span class="orange">change that!</span></strong></p>

Product redesign services in 5 steps

Step 1.

Product discovery

We start by identifying the core issues affecting your product through in-depth user and market research, product analysis, and stakeholder interviews. Our goal is to study user behaviors, market trends, and business objectives, ensuring we understand the challenges and prepare for the initial project scope.
App Redesign Services Cieden

Step 2.

Problem definition

In the next stage, we pinpoint specific user challenges and pain points. Then, we create detailed user personas, map user journeys, evaluate potential risks, and define a clear project roadmap with success metrics — resulting in a well-defined problem statement and a strategic plan to guide the redesign process.
App Redesign Services Cieden

Step 3.

Product ideation

Next, we brainstorm potential solutions and opportunities for research-based improvements through workshop sketching and low- or high-fidelity wireframes. User feedback and usability testing ensure our concepts are viable and aligned with your user needs.
App Redesign Services Cieden

Step 4.


We create, test, and implement the solution using high-fidelity prototypes and usability testing. This phase includes data-based UX and UI redesign. We work closely with development teams to ensure smooth implementation, continuously iterating and refining the design.
App Redesign Services Cieden

Step 5.


​​Finally, we create detailed documentation, including style guides and handoff documents, to ensure consistency and provide a clear reference for future updates. This helps maintain the product's integrity and quality over time.
App Redesign Services Cieden

Who benefits from our app redesign services?

Enterprise-level products with complex systems

Enterprises often struggle with outdated, complex systems with a high learning curve and fragmented user experiences that hinder efficiency and satisfaction. We unify the user experience across different modules and platforms, ensuring smoother data flow and operational efficiency, and making it easier for users to navigate through interfaces with no extra training and onboarding costs.

Small and medium-sized businesses

Many UI designs for SMBs no longer appeal to modern users, affecting their engagement, brand perception, and conversions. Our solution is to refresh the visual design, optimize call-to-action elements, refine the user journey, and ensure brand consistency on all touchpoints. We also focus on mobile usability to engage a broader audience and increase satisfaction without overhauling their entire system.


Startups often launch MVPs with limited design resources, leading to makeshift solutions with poor scalability, user retention, and lack of user feedback integration. We create flexible design systems that easily scale as the product starts to grow, and design mechanisms to incorporate real user feedback — all of it to ensure improved usability, and secure the startup for sustained growth and greater market share.

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How do I know if my product needs a redesign?

You might need a redesign if you're experiencing declining user metrics, high bounce rates, user feedback indicating confusion or frustration, or if your interface feels outdated compared to competitors.

In our product redesign services, we conduct in-depth UX audit, user research, and business analysis to pinpoint problem areas and ensure your product is user-friendly, modern, and aligned with current market standards.

What's the difference between a design refresh and a redesign, and which one does my product need?

A design refresh involves minor visual changes to update the product's appearance, such as rebranding, changing colors, or adjusting UI elements without any significant refinements in the UX structure or functionality. 

On the other hand, a product redesign includes the entire spectrum of UX/UI redesign services — from UX research to post-launch improvements — to simplify the user experience, and incorporate new features, often requiring significant code updates. This option benefits projects facing major usability issues or preparing for substantial scaling.

What are the benefits of a product redesign?

A product redesign can improve usability, increase user satisfaction and engagement, boost conversion rates, and expand your customer base. It addresses core issues, updates the product to meet current market standards, and ensures it resonates with users' evolving needs.

How long does a typical product redesign project take?

Our timelines to redesign products depend on the project's scope and complexity. Typically, it can take 3 to 6 months for a comprehensive redesign, including research, consulting, UX/UI design, testing, and implementation.

How much does it cost to redesign a mobile app?

The cost of redesigning a web or mobile app depends on the project's scale, complexity, and specific requirements. A detailed estimate is provided after the initial project assessment and scope definition. 

Book a free consultation with our team to get an approximate cost based on your needs, and clarify any project details.

What is the process for a product redesign at your agency?

Our product redesign process includes five major stages: Discovery, Definition, Exploration, Execution, and Documentation. 

We start by identifying core issues through in-depth research and stakeholder interviews. Next, we define specific user challenges and create a strategic roadmap. In the Exploration phase, we ideate and prototype potential solutions. In the next stage, we design, test, and implement the final solution. Finally, we document the entire process to ensure consistency and provide a reference for future updates.

How do you measure the success of a redesign project?

We measure the success of a redesign project through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user engagement rates, conversion rates, user satisfaction scores, and overall business impact. We also gather and analyze user feedback post-launch to ensure the redesign meets its objectives and continues to perform well.

Take a look at our product redesign examples and see how our clients achieved success through our SaaS product redesign services.