Where and when should I use a toggle switch in UI?
Use a toggle switch in UI for simple, binary choices like turning features on or off, managing security settings, or switching system modes.
Ideal when a quick, immediate change is required without any additional steps.
Avoid it for actions that require user confirmation, involve selecting multiple options, or have intricate dependencies.
Prefer toggle design over buttons for on/off settings, but use buttons for cycling through different modes or options.
Choose checkboxes when users need to select several options simultaneously.
Deep dive
A toggle switch in UI provides users with a mechanism to change between two states. In enterprise applications, where quick and accurate adjustments are needed, toggle switches offer an efficient solution.
What is a toggle switch used for?
- Feature activation: Enable or disable functions like reports, real-time data updates, or notifications.
- In-app preferences: Configure dashboard layouts, workflow processes, and other settings to suit individual roles and needs.
- Security settings: Control security features such as encryption or user access.
When using a toggle switch in UI is the right choice?
Instant сhange is needed: The setting should update immediately without further actions.
For simple on/off choices: The decision is straightforward, like "enable/disable."
It affects the whole system: The toggle component changes settings that impact the entire application.
When not to use a toggle switch in UI design?
For actions requiring confirmation: Use checkboxes or toggle button UI for actions that require user approval.
For multiple choices: Opt for checkboxes when users need to select multiple options.
For complicated settings: Choose other controls for settings with multiple dependencies that need careful review.
Toggle switch vs. toggle button
Toggle switch design works best for settings that can be turned on or off, while toggle button design is used to let users switch between different options.
Here’s a quick comparison:
Aspect | Toggle Switch | Toggle Button |
Interaction | Easy on/off control | Switches between options or modes |
Visual indication | Instantly shows on/off status | Highlights the selected mode or option |
Use case | Turning a feature like notifications on or off | Switching between editing and viewing modes |
Toggle switch vs. checkbox
Toggle switches suit single, straightforward choices, while checkboxes let users pick several options at once.
Here’s a quick comparison:
Aspect | Toggle Switch | Checkbox |
Interaction | Easy on/off control | Choose multiple options |
Visual indication | Instantly shows on/off status | Marks choices with checkmarks |
Use case | Quickly enabling or disabling a setting | Selecting various options or preferences that might need confirmation later |
❓Questions designers should ask themselves
By asking the right questions, designers can question their decisions, find areas to improve, make sure nothing is overlooked, and reduce mistakes, leading to better, more thoughtful designs.
Is the feature a clear on/off decision?
Should the change be immediate and without a confirmation process?
Is the toggle meant for adjusting a setting rather than performing an action?
🤝 Credits
Our content combines the knowledge of Cieden’s designers with insights from industry influencers. Big thanks to all the influencers for sharing awesome content!
Toggle-Switch Guidelines by Alita Joyce
What is the difference between toggle switch and toggle button? by Yin Fu Wu
📚 Keep exploring
Never stop growing. Explore resources thoughtfully handpicked by Cieden’s designers.
Toggle Switch: 5 Simple Design Tips For Better Design by Nick Babich
UX Design: Checkbox and Toggle in Forms by Nick Babich
- What Makes A Great Toggle Button? (Case Study, Part 1) by Eduard Kuric