
What are the different types of shadows and when should each be used?

Discover the various types of shadows and the best practices for using each in modern design. Learn which shadow types to avoid to keep your designs up-to-date. 

Where are shadows most effectively used in design?

Some elements really need shadows, while others don't. Your choices will shape the user experience, so it's important to pick wisely. Our designer Karyna shares the most common situations where shadows make all the difference.

How can I use shadows to enhance visual hierarchy in a design?

Never be ashamed of diving into the basics! Learn or recall how to use shadows to enhance hierarchy in design with insights from our talented Karyna Khmelyk.

Is it a good idea to use shadows on buttons?

Discover whether using shadows on buttons is a good idea. Learn about the impact of shadows on button design, how they enhance visual hierarchy, and the best practices for applying them to Floating Action Buttons (FABs).

When should I use an outline effect instead of shadows?

Discover how outlines can transform your design by enhancing readability, and accessibility, and maintaining minimalist aesthetics. Learn when to choose outlines over shadows for a clearer and more effective user experience.

When should I use colors alone to create visual depth, without relying on shadows?

Are there cases when using color is better than shadows? Absolutely! In this article, our talented Karyna explores how dark theme UIs benefit from color to create visual cues, establish hierarchy, and enhance accessibility for all users.

When is it better to avoid shadows?

Misusing shadows can happen when they’re too strong, inconsistent, or don’t have a clear purpose. Sometimes, it's better to avoid using shadows altogether. In this article, we discuss specific situations where shadows should be avoided. Check it out!

How many shadow variations are typically needed for a good elevation system?

Defining a fixed set of shadows, just like you do with color, typography, spacing, and sizing, streamlines your workflow and ensures consistency across your designs. In this article, we explore how many shadow variations a good elevation system typically needs. 

Is there a recommended limit to the number of shadows to apply to a single element?

In UI design, you can indeed layer multiple shadows on a single element to create depth and complexity. However, there are practical considerations to keep in mind, particularly regarding performance. Check out this article to learn more! 

What are the typical challenges faced when using shadows in design?

Using shadows in design comes with several challenges that can impact its effectiveness and appearance. In this article, our expert Karyna discusses typical challenges and common mistakes to avoid.

How to maintain shadow consistency throughout a design?

Maintaining shadow consistency is key to creating a cohesive and harmonious design. In this article, our designer Karyna shares her top tips for ensuring shadows stay consistent across different elements and layouts.

How can I make shadows look realistic?

To create realistic shadows in user interfaces, it's crucial to understand and effectively apply light behavior. Check out this article for tips on working with light sources, color and opacity, layering, and softness.

When creating a shadow, should I start with a smaller core one or a larger cast shadow?

What type of shadow should you start with? This seemingly tricky question has a straightforward answer. In this article, our expert Karyna explains the best approach to shadow creation in UI design. Check it out to clear up any doubts!

When should I use colored shadows instead of classic neutrals?

Using colored shadows in UI design can enhance visual appeal, convey significance, or create a specific mood in certain situations. In this article, we cover some simple steps for creating impressive colored shadows.

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